Monica's Weekly Gardening Tips: Nematodes - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Nematodes or roundworms are the most numerically abundant animals on Earth; in fact, four out of every five animals on Earth is a...

Monica's Weekly Gardening Tips: Plants To Attract Honey Bees
During foraging season, honey bees consume and store both nectar and pollen, with the nectar providing carbohydrates and pollen protein....

Monica's Weekly Gardening Tips: Downy Mildew; Impatiens walleriana
In 2012 a fungus, named downy mildew, appeared in Impatiens walleriana in the DC Metro area. Impatiens are a staple in every shade...

Monica's Weekly Gardening Tips: Early Spring Gardening Tasks Part II
When the soil in your garden beds finally dries out a bit, top dress the area with organic matter in preparation for planting. Try not to...

Monica's Weekly Gardening Tip: Late February Rose Pruning
Late February is the perfect time to start pruning rose shrubs. It is advisable to prune to approximately knee high (18") to 24". Prune...

Monica's Weekly Gardening Tip: February Shrub Pruning Schedule
February is the best time to prune the following shrubs: Abelia Arborvitae Aucuba Beautyberry Boxwood Butterfly-bush Chastetree...